MeiHan Institute of Chinese Guasha Therapy

Chinese gezichtsdiagnose



MeiMei Yu, drs.

Eeuwenlang is gezichtsdiagnose een onontbeerlijk hulpmiddel geweest in de Traditionele Chinese geneeskunde. Gebaseerd op inzicht in de betekenis van vorm, strukturen en symptomen - alles gerelateerd aan de principes van de meridiaanleer - kan een therapeut meer leren over de gezondheidstoestand, de ziekte of/en de levensverwachting van de patient. In TCM wordt de gezichtsdiagnostiek uitgebreid toegepast en is zeer populair in China. Dit voor preventie, om blokkaden te behandelen, regeneratie, schoonheid en om emotionele disbalans te herstellen. Deze cursus omvat integrale aspecten van gezichtsdiagnose, samen met de bijbehorende TCM applicaties. Inclusief de laatste informatie uit China.Lerares drs. MeiMei Yu.


I. Gezichtsmeridianen, puntlocaties, huidzones en diagnose/indicaties, organen check lijst.
II. Chinese gezichtsreflexologie: diagnose via kleuren, vorm, pigemtaties, moedervlekken, rimpels etc.
III. Integrale analyse van typische gezichten
IV. TCM applicaties bij de gezichtsdiagnose.
V. Praktische oefeningen.
VI. Vraag en antwoord.

Gezichtsdiagnose is in principe open voor iedereen. Enige achtground van kennis van geneeskunde is aanbevelenswaardig. Vooral artsen, homeopathen, therapeuten, fysiotherapeuten, dietisten, schoonheidsspecialisten, shiatzutherapeuten, masseurs, kinesiologen en TCM-therapeuten zullen er profijt van hebben.

Voor uitgebreide informatie en/of aanmelding kunt u contact opnemen met Mw. MeiMei Yu,
tel. 030-6590178

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De voertaal is Nederlands. Minimum aantal deelnemers 10
(nog enkele plaatsen beschikbaar)


A Legend of Chinese Face Diagnose from BC 500

Bian Que was the most famous Chinese physician in the 5th century B.C. One day he happened to meet Duke Huan of Cai.

"I believe Your Highness is suffering from some disease," he said to the Duke after observing him for a while. "The affected area is between the skin and the muscles."

"But I'm fine," said the Duke.

"If you do not cure it, it can get worse," Bian Que warned the Duke before he left.

The Duke dismissed his warning. "A doctor always tries to find something wrong with a healthy man just to show off."

Ten days later Bian Que met him again.

"Your disease is getting into the muscles," he warned the Duke. "It'll get worse if it is not treated."

The Duke was not pleased. He ignored the warning.

Another ten days went by before Bian Que saw the Duke.

"Your disease has gone into the intestines. You need urgent treatment."

The Duke turned the physician away with a sullen face.

Ten days later Bian Que saw the Duke again. But he walked away without a word. Seeing him act oddly, the Duke sent an aide to query him.
"When the Duke's disease was between the skin and the muscles," said Bian Que, "it can be treated easily with herbal compresses. When it got into the muscles, acupuncture and guasha could be applied. When it invaded the gastro-intestines, a herbal mixture could still be effective. But by the time it has sunk into the bone marrow, there is no cure.

His disease has reached its terminal stage. I cannot recommend any more treatment. It's too late."

Five days later, the Duke felt pain all over his body. He immediately call for Dr. Bian Que, but the physician had already left the country. Shortly afterwards, the Duke died.


2000-2014  Copyright by MeiMei Yu & Han M. Stiekema
Last update: 05/04/14